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Get Rid from Dandruff....with this easy idea

 Aloe Vera gel


Aloe vera contains antibacterial and antifungal properties which help a lot in keeping a check on dandruff. Take some aloe vera gel and apply it on your scalp for around 30 minutes. Wash your hair off with some mild shampoo.



Neem leaves paste

Take some neem leaves and boil them for 30 minutes. Now, crush them and make a paste. After this, apply this paste on your scalp for around an hour and then rinse it off later. You will notice that your hair look much healthier.

Fenugreek paste

Soak the fenugreek seeds overnight in water and then make a fine paste out of it. Apply the paste for around 30 minutes on your scalp and then wash it off later. Repeat this procedure for at least four weeks.


Vinegar helps to kill dandruff-causing fungus and bacteria and also treats the itchy, dry skin. Mix the white vinegar with water and apply it on the scalp skin for about half an hour before a head wash.

Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil helps you get rid of dandruff because of its exceptional power to fight fungal and bacterial infections. Add a drop or two of tea tree oil to your shampoo and wash normally. After doing it regularly for sometime, you will get to see the result.


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