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Showing posts from December, 2016

SEO Tips by Web Savera

   Useful  SEO Tips 1.   Keywords Positioning: Placing keyword on right place is as important as Water for a Fish. For the best SEO Result place your keywords on their right place such as in Domain Name, Title of the pages, Page links, Image Name & Description, Content of the page, Headings, Other links etc. 2.     Titles are Important: Yeah! Title of your web pages is very important ti improve your ranking. So, put your keyword on titles. And, Title of the page should be easy & catchy. 3.     Light Weight Website: Everything which is light weight will go as high in Sky. Website having heaved loaded pages takes longtime to open & a user or customer can be irritate & goes away to another site. So if you have anything in your website which makes it heavy, Remove it. 4.     Images plays an Important Role: Keep ypur keywords on image’s names, tags, caption etc. And if you have your own images/pics you can share them on Picasa/Photo bucket etc. 5

Winter Solstice Date

Winter Solstice Local Time Winter Solstice Time = 19:43:40 Sunrise = 06:47:33 Sunset = 16:32:24 Day Duration = 09 Hours 44 Mins 50 Secs Previous Day Duration = 09 Hours 44 Mins 53 Secs Next Day Duration = 09 Hours 44 Mins 51 Secs The  Solstice  is an astronomical event that happens twice, once in summer and once in winter, each year when the Sun reaches its highest position in the sky as seen from the North or South Pole. During Solstices the tilt of the axil of the Earth (with respect to the Sun) is the maximum at 23° 26'.  Solstices occur on 20 th  or 21 st  June and 21 st  or 22 nd December each year. During summer the day of the solstice is the longest day of the year and during winter the day of the solstice is the shortest day of the year 21 st December 2016 (Wednesday)

Try and Increase Your Business Profits

Every business needs to earn money to keep itself going. In a standard, for-profit company, your profit margin — the difference between your sales revenue and business expenses — often dictates your ability to grow and expand. But as a small company, how can you gain the momentum you need to increase that margin?  Understand the Customer Demand and Choice. Expenses and Sales - matters in profit. Partnership can be another option. Advertise your business - its imp. in today's world. Knowledge about market in and out